
Dashboard main settings.


Go here to adjust your application settings, configurations and roles for administrators.

Settings also houses Brands, Retailers, Points of Interest, Regions, Categories, Tags and Delivery Presets.

Settings Functions

Creating Users

  1. Login to dashboard
  2. Click on the menu in the upper right side of the page
  3. Click on Settings
  4. Click on User Management
  5. Click the Users tab and click Add User
  6. Enter Email, password and confirm password
  7. Select role from the drop-down menu

Each role has unique permissions settings depending upon the level and needs of the user .

To find out the permissions settings of each role, select the role from the drop-down menu and switch from role to role to view limitations.

Super AdminFull access to the dashboard and all of its properties
AdminFull access to everything except Super Admin, Broker, Client, Role Management and Permissions Management
AdvertiserNo access to User Management, Permissions, Push Notifications, Broker and Client Management and no ability to delete sections
DeveloperAccess to everything involving creating and updating applications, permissions, and impressions
Customer ServiceOnly the ability to read and create permissions and impressions
  1. Click Create


General Management

Application ManagementAbility to create, read, update or delete applications
Campaign ManagementAbility to create, read, update or delete campaigns
Daily ScratchersAbility to create, read, update or delete Daily Scratchers
Story CardsAbility to create, read, update or delete Story Cards

Trigger Management

Audio TriggerAbility to create, read, update or delete Audio Triggers
Media TriggerAbility to create, read, update or delete Media Triggers
QR Code TriggerAbility to create, read, update or delete QR Code Triggers
Geofence TriggerAbility to create, read, update or delete Geo-fences
Touch TriggerAbility to create, read, update or delete Touch Triggers
Beacon TriggerAbility to create, read, update or delete Beacons

Content Management

ContentAbility to create, read, update or delete Content
Delivery PresetAbility to create, read, update or delete Delivery Presets
Content GroupsAbility to create, read, update or delete Content Groups
Terms and ConditionsAbility to create, read, update or delete Terms & Conditions
TargetingAbility to create, read, update or delete Targeting
Custom Button ManagementAbility to create, read, update or delete Custom Buttons

Tags & Categories Management

CategoriesAbility to create, read, update or delete Categories
TagsAbility to create, read, update or delete Tags

User Management

Super adminAbility to create, read, update or delete Super admins
AdminAbility to create, read, update or delete Admins
AdvertiserAbility to create, read, update or delete Advertisers
UserAbility to create, read, update or delete Users

Client Management

ClientAbility to create, read, update or delete Clients
BrokerAbility to create, read, update or delete Brokers

End User Management

Push Notification TokenAbility to create, read, update or delete Tokens
Push Notification MessageAbility to create, read, update or delete Messages
ActivityAbility to create, read, update or delete Activity
DeviceAbility to create, read, update or delete Devices
Claim FormAbility to create, read, update or delete Claim Forms


Roles and PermissionsAbility to create, read, update or delete Permissions
Role ManagementAbility to create, read, update or delete Role Management
Permissions ManagementAbility to create, read, update or delete Permission Management
Impressions ManagementAbility to create, read, update or delete Impressions Management

Creating Clients

  1. Log in to dashboard

  2. Click on on the menu in the upper right side of the page

  3. Click on Settings

  4. Click on User Management

  5. Click create new client

Creating Applications

  1. Log in to Dashboard

  2. Click on the menu in the upper right side of the page

  3. Click on Settings

  4. Click on Applications

  5. Click Add Application

  6. Type in the name of the Application in the text box

  7. Click Select Image then select image again or drag and drop image into box from library or Desktop.


The selected image will be shown in the dashboard to identify the application

  1. Click Select Image next to the Application Logo and drag and drop the image into the box.


The selected image will be shown in Application Settings

  1. Click Create

Editing Applications

  1. Click on right side menu in the top navigation

  2. Click on Settings from menu

  3. Click on Clients section and click on Application tab.

  4. Select the Application you wish to edit

  5. Click the edit button on the top right

This will take you to the applications configurations page.

Here you can edit all features for your application.

Application Settings Overview

  1. Log into Dashboard

  2. Click on right side menu in the top navigation

  3. Click on Settings from menu

  4. Click on Clients section and click on Application tab.

  5. Click your chosen application


This will take you to your Application Settings page overview

General Settings

The name and password settings of your application.

Application NameName of your app
Require Strict PasswordUse this feature to turn on strict password settings

URL Settings

The email and password URL settings for your application.

Require Email ValidationRequire a valid email address to set up account (optional)
Email Validation URLThe URL for email validation
Password Reset URLThe URL for password reset

Facebook Settings

The parameters for Facebook to access your application.

AccessedAllow Facebook access to your app (optional)
Application IDId associated with app
Application SecretSecret Id associated with app

Image Settings

The image associated with your application.

Image URLURL that the image is linked to

Android Pass Credentials

All the information needed about your application in relation to Android.

Account Privacy Key URLLocation where private key is stored
Account Email AddressService account email address e.g.
Issuer IDThe Google Pay API for Passes Issuer ID
Application NameThis value doesn't have to match any of the fields in the service account
OriginsThe list of URLs for the application. Comma separated for multiple values
Android PayTarget audience for JWT. Additionally, the value for this should always be ‘savetoandroidpay’
ScopesThe google wallet API URL (i.d.
AudienceTarget audience for JWT, the value for this should always be ‘google’
Class IDUnique identifier for the class. This must be unique across all classes from an issuer and should only include alphanumeric characters, ''_'' or ''-'''
Object IDUnique identifier for the object

Android Pass Settings

The color of your Android Pass.

Android Pass Background ColorColor of Android Pass background

Apple Pass Credentials

All the information needed about your application in relation to Apple.

Certificate URLURL for completion. The location where the p12 certificate is stored
Certificate PasswordPassword associated with certificate
Pass Type IdentifierURL identified with pass
Organization NameCompany name
Team IdentifierCode associated with team

Apple Pass Setting

The color of your Apple Pass.

Apple Pass Background ColorColor of Apple Pass background

Push Notification Settings

Topic ARNAmazon Resource name (ARN) for the push notification topic
iOS Application ARNAmazon Resource name (ARN) for the iOS Platform
Android Application ARNAmazon Resource Name (ARN) for the Android Platform

Support Email Settings

The email designated for customer support.

Support Email SettingsSettings for customer support email

Trigger Settings

Audio DelayTime limit of delay for audio triggers
Beacon DelayBeacon location delay
Geofence DelayLocation delay of Geofence
Geofence Max distanceMaximum distance that will be captured by Geofence
Geofence ThresholdHow much the geofence can hold quantity wise
Trigger Notification Email AddressEmail address for notification of automated or background process trigger creation, it is applicable for only audio triggers
Trigger Dashboard URLURL to point to the triggers page on dashboard. It will be of the format <dashboard_host_url>/#/triggers’ e.g. ‘

All SDK Licenses

API Keys

Codes passed in by computer programs calling an application programming interface (API) to identify the calling program, its developer, or its user to the website. API keys are used to track and control how the API is being used.

NameThe name of your API Key
KeyThe string of numbers and letters making up the API Key
API VersionThe draft that you are currently on or working on
PlatformIn personal computing, a platform is the basic hardware (computer) and software (operating system) on which software applications can be run
Application VersionThe draft you are currently on or working on for an application