Delivery Preset

  1. Click Delivery Preset Option
  2. Select Create Delivery Preset
  3. Add Delivery Preset Name
  4. Choose whether or not to Enable Content Redelivery by clicking box


Enable Content Redelivery

Clicking the “Enable Content Redelivery” box allows the same offer to be delivered to an account that has previously caught the offer, as long as the offer isn’t saved in the user's wallet.

  1. Select Delivery Mode
Multiple OfferAllows more than one offer to be delivered at a time
SequentialOffers will come in one at a time in the order that they are listed in the Trigger
RandomOffers come in one at a time in any order
  1. Click + Add Default Content

    You will need to add a Default Message to your preset to ensure that something is delivered every time the trigger is played.


The Default Content will be delivered if the user already has all of the available offers in their wallet

  1. Choose whether or not to Enable Catch Limit by clicking the toggle

The Enable Catch Limit toggle allows a limit to be set on how many users will be allowed to catch the content in a given time period.

  1. Choose whether or not to Enable Prize Delivery Rules by clicking the toggle:

The Enable Prize Delivery Rules toggle allows the odds of winning a prize to be adjusted.

The Enable Prize Delivery Rules toggle also allows for the number of prizes that an individual account can win in a certain time period to be customized (For example, one every 90 Days)

  1. Click Create Delivery Preset

Use Delivery Preset

  1. Click Delivery Preset
  2. Click + Add Delivery Preset
  3. Select desired preset and add

Create Content Group

After the trigger preset has been created or chosen, the content group(s) will be created.

  1. Enter the name of the group ("Everyone" or "Female" for example)
  2. Click Create
  3. Click the down arrow
  4. Click + Add Content

Adding Content

  1. Select or create the content that you would like to add to the trigger


For help with Content Creation see Content

  1. Select desired content then click Attach Content


  1. Click Edit Targeting
  2. Demographics:

Select the Age Range and Gender

If there is no desired age range or gender, select "Unspecified" to encompass all groups

  1. Regions:

Select or Create a Region

Create Region

  1. Enter a name for the Region
  2. Enter a description of the Region
  3. Select the state by clicking the down arrow and clicking a box from the list, or select Geofences
  4. To create a Geofence Region, select Geofences and either choose a previously created geofence from the list, or create a new one by clicking + Create Geofence.

Create Geofence

  1. To create a Geofence, enter a name and a location for the Geofence

  2. Use the slider to adjust the radius (in meters) of the Geofence

  3. Click Create Geofence

  4. You will now be redirected to the Geofence list where you can click the box to select or unselect it for targeting

  5. Interests:

Select the previously created Categories or Tags that you would like to add to this specific Preset

  1. Schedule:

Select the days and times that the targeting for this Preset will be in effect.

For example

  • Start time:10:00AM
  • End Time:12:00PM
  • Monday, Wednesday and Friday
  1. Click Save to confirm the schedule settings.
  2. Click Save Targeting


All Targeting is optional

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