
Content is delivered to the user upon trigger detection.

Content Types:

OfferA product, coupon, or discount that can be redeemed with a retailer.
MessageInformation that is presented to the user .
PrizeA gift card or reward presented to the user.
URLA link to another site


Message and URL Type content is not savable to the user's wallet.


To create an Offer:

  1. Click on Content in the top navigation bar and select Offer (Under “Content Manager”)
  2. Click Add Offer


  1. Type in Name, Brand, Never Expire or Date & Time (start and end), Title and Description (specific details of the offer).


If the Never Expire toggle is switched off, you will need to set a start and end (expiration) date and time.

Scratcher Details

  1. Choose whether or not to enable Scratcher. If Scratcher is enabled, enter a Scratcher Title.


Enabling Scratcher

Enabling scratcher adds another layer to the content. This hides the "Hero Image" with a separate image until the offer is revealed (scratched off) by the user.

The Hero image is revealed after the first layer (scratcher image).

  1. If scratcher is enabled, enter a Scratcher Title (in most cases, this is identical to the regular title)

Redemption Details

  1. Enter the Quantity of the offer. Once the quantity is depleted, the offer will no longer be delivered to the end user.
  2. Click Redemption Method and select “Online”, “In-Store” or “Online & In-Store”
OnlineUser is taken to a specific site where the offer can be redeemed.
In StoreReveals a bar code. The offer is redeemed at checkout
Online & In StoreThe offer can be redeemed either way
  1. Click Redemption Code and select Manual
  2. Click Barcode Format and choose the format from the drop-down.

The choices are:

  • Aztec
  • Code 39
  • Code 128
  • Data Matrix
  • Ean 8
  • Ean 13
  • PDF 417
  • QR Code
  • ITF 14
  • UPC E
  • Other
  1. Enter the desired Redemption Code. A specific and unique barcode will be generated for the redemption code.
  2. If the chosen Redemption Method is Online or Online & In Store, Enter the Redemption URL


Redemption URL

The website or landing page that the user is going to be taken to in order to redeem their code.

  1. Click on +Placeholder to select a Google Pay image. If no placeholder is selected, one will automatically be generated in order to enable Google Pay.
  2. Choose whether or not to enable the Barcode Timer.


The Barcode Timer gives the user a time limit to claim their offer

  1. Click the box to add to chosen application(s)
  2. If desired, hit the toggle to enable Apple Pass or Google Pay
  3. Click Terms and Conditions and input desired copy

Mobile View

  1. If Enable Scratcher has been chosen, click on Select Image and upload the Scratch image (Overlay) 640x300


When users first receive the offer, a Scratch image will initially be shown to the user (If the scratcher is enabled)

  1. Select Default View (Revealed) to add the Hero image (this image will be revealed after the Scratch image) 640x300.
  2. It is always necessary to have at least one Hero Image connected to an offer. This image will either be revealed after the scratcher is scratched, or right away when the user receives the offer (if scratcher is not enabled). Click Default View (saved) to see what the finished product will look like.
  3. Go to Viewed in wallet and click select image. Upload your chosen image (200x200). This is the image that will be displayed next to the saved offer in the virtual wallet.

Category and Tags

  1. Select Category from drop-down menu or press the + to create new category
  2. Click on Tags and add desired tags to the offer and save
  3. Click Create
  4. You will now be redirected to the offer list page
  5. From here you can see all created offers and edit already existing ones.


  1. Click Content in the top navigation bar and select Message (under Content Manager)

  2. Click Create Message


  1. Add Name, Brand, Never Expire or Date & Time (start and end) and Message Title.


If the Never Expire toggle is switched off, you will need to set a start and end (expiration) date and time.

Scratcher Details

  1. Choose whether or not to Enable Scratcher. If Scratcher is enabled, enter a Scratcher Title

Mobile View

  1. If scratcher is enabled, upload a Scratcher Overlay (640x300),then click Message Preview and select the Revealed (Hero) image (top) and In-body Image (bottom)


Revealed image is the same as the Hero Image

  1. If the scratcher is not enabled, there are only two images to choose from: the Revealed (Hero) Image (top) and the In-body Image (bottom)


Hero (“Revealed”) Image size is 640x300 and In-body image size is 600x400

Categories and Tags

  1. Select Category from drop-down menu or press the + to create category
  2. Click on Tags and add desired tags to offer and save
  3. Click create to finish content creation for message
  4. You will be redirected to the content message list page
  5. From here you can see all created messages and edit already existing ones.


  1. Click Content in the top navigation bar and select Prize (Under “Content Manager”)
  2. Click Create Prize


  1. Add Name, Brand, Never Expire or Date and Time (start and end), and Title and Description (specific details of the Prize)


If the Never Expire toggle is switched off, you will need to set a start and end (expiration) date and time.

Scratcher Details

  1. Choose whether or not to Enable Scratcher. If Scratcher is enabled, enter a Scratcher Title (Usually identical to the main Title)

Redemption Details

  1. Enter the Quantity of the prize. Once the quantity is depleted, the prize will no longer be delivered to the end user.
  2. Click Redemption Method and select an option
OnlineUser is taken to a specific site where the offer can be redeemed
In StoreReveals a bar code. The prize is redeemed at checkout
Online & In StoreThe prize can be redeemed either way
  1. Click Redemption Code and select Manual

  2. Click Barcode Format (See CONTENT section above for the list of barcode types)

  3. Enter the Redemption Code

  4. Enter the Redemption URL (The website or landing page that the user is going to be taken to in order to claim their Prize)

  5. Add Placeholder by clicking on +Placeholder then selecting an image to fill the slot

  6. Choose whether or not to Enable Barcode Timer. If the Barcode Timer is enabled, add a time limit


The Barcode Time Limit is in seconds

  1. Click the box to add to your chosen Application
  2. If desired, hit the toggle to enable Apple Pass or Google Pay
  3. Click on Terms and Conditions and enter in desired copy

Mobile View

  1. If scratcher is enabled, click on Select Image and add the Overlay(640x300)
  2. Select Revealed (circle 2) and add Hero image (640x300)
  3. If scratcher is not enabled, click Select Image and add Hero image (640x300)
  4. Under Viewed in Wallet, click on Select Image and add wallet image (200x200)
  5. Select Category from the drop-down menu or create your own category with the +
  6. Click on Tags. Add desired tags to the prize and save
  7. Click Create
  8. Now you will be redirected to the Content Manager Prize list page
  9. From here you can see all created prizes and edit already existing ones.


  1. Click Content in the top navigation bar and select URL (Under “Content Manager”)
  2. Click "Create Url"


  1. Add Name, Brand, Never Expire or Date & Time (start and end) and Title and Description (specific details of the “URL”)


If the Never Expire toggle is switched off, you will need to set a start and end (expiration) date and time.

Mobile View

  1. If Scratcher is enabled, click on Select Image and add an Overlay(640x300)
  2. Select "Url Preview" (circle 2) and add a Hero image (640x300)
  3. If scratcher is not enabled, click Select Image and add a Hero image (640x300)

Categories and Tags

  1. Select Category from drop-down menu or create your own with the +
  2. Click on Tags and add desired tags to offer and save
  3. Click Create
  4. You will now be redirected to the content URL list page
  5. From here, you can see all created URLs and edit already existing ones.

Digital/Third-Party (Native) Wallet

When creating an offer, there is always the option to enable
Apple Pass and Google Pay.

If you choose to enable these, you will need to customize them as well.

Note that you can only edit the third-party wallet after the content has been created.

To Edit Apple Pass:

  1. Check the box to enable Apple Pass
  2. Click "Customize Apple Pass"
    Most of the fields will be filled in exactly how they should be (in most cases),
    but you will still need to:
  3. Click "Edit" in the upper right corner
  4. Scroll down to BG Color and click on the box to the right of the field
  5. Choose your color and click "Confirm"
  6. The next section below the color controls the Strip Image
    (this is the image that will be shown in the Apple Pass)
  7. If you wish, you may enable the strip image by clicking the toggle
    on the right.
  8. Click on the image box and select an image from the media library or
    upload a new one (the image size should be 750 x 288)

To Edit Google Pay:

  1. Check the box to enable Google Pay
  2. Click "Customize Google Pay"
    Most of the fields will be filled in exactly how they should be (in most cases),
    but you will still need to:
  3. Click "Edit" in the upper right corner
  4. Scroll down to BG Color and click on the box to the right of the field
  5. Choose your color and click "Confirm"
  6. The next section below the color controls the Strip Image
    (this is the image that will be shown in Google Pay)
  7. If you wish, you may enable the strip image by clicking the toggle
    on the right.
  8. Click on the image box and select an image from the media library or
    upload a new one (the image size should be 750 x 288)

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