For the complete documentation on the "user" resource, please refer to https://docs.actv8me.com/v1.2/reference/user
Register an End-User
Depending on your application requirements, you may want to leverage the ACTV8me Consumer API to offer your users the option to register an account. By doing so, you gain the ability to uniquely identify your users and collect demographic data such as age and gender, which can result in an enhanced user experience. For example, you may provide custom experiences to specific users based on their demographics in order to improve user engagement by delivering targeted offers that are relevant to them.
POST /user
Reference: https://docs.actv8me.com/v1.2/reference/user-1
Personal Identifiable Information (PII)
During the user account registration process, the ACTV8me backend extracts the user's email (username) and stores it in a separate logical location along with other Personal Identifiable Information (PII). This data is only visible to the authenticated user that owns it, as well as to application admins that have been granted permission to view such data.
User Authentication
The following endpoints allow your application to cover standard user authentication processes such as account validation, credential validation, password retrieval request, and password reset.
Validate account (optional)
Depending on your requirements, you may want to enable account validation (via email verification). This protects your users from malicious attempts to impersonate them using their email account.
POST user/validate
Reference: https://docs.actv8me.com/v1.2/reference/user-1#post_user-validate
If your application provides the ability to register accounts, it then should allow users to authenticate to their accounts using a valid username and password.
POST user/login
Reference: https://docs.actv8me.com/v1.2/reference/user-1#post_user-login
Bearer Token
A user that successfully authenticates their account using valid credentials is assigned an authorization token ("Bearer" token). This token must be passed via the "Authorization" header in subsequent requests to the endpoints that are behind the end-user "guard".
Password reset request ("Forgot Password")
It is not uncommon for users to forget their passwords. For that reason, you should provide the ability to request a password reset (i.e. ("forgot password" link) for them to get an email with a link to reset their passwords.
POST user/password/forgot
Reference: https://docs.actv8me.com/v1.2/reference/user-1#post_user-password-reset
Verify password reset token
When a user sends a password reset request, the ACTV8me backend generates a link that contains a token that needs to be verified.
GET user/password/verify
Reference: https://docs.actv8me.com/v1.2/reference/user-1#get_user-password-verify
Reset password
Once the ACTV8me backend verifies the password reset token, your application should then allow the user to set a new password.
POST user/password/reset
Reference: https://docs.actv8me.com/v1.2/reference/user-1#post_user-password-reset
Retrieve End User Account
Your application may send a request on behalf of the user to retrieve their account information. This information does not contain Personal Identifiable Information (PII) but instead metadata associated to the account such as "created_at", "last_login_at", etc.
GET /user
Reference: https://docs.actv8me.com/v1.2/reference/user-1#get_user
Retrieve End User Profile (PII)
As it is usual in applications that allow for user authentication, your users should have the ability to access their Personal Identifiable Information. This information is commonly presented in a "profile" section.
Personal Identifiable Information (PII)
This data is only visible to the authenticated user that owns it, as well as to application admins that have been granted permission to view such data.
GET /user/{id}/pii
Reference: https://docs.actv8me.com/v1.2/reference/user-1#get_user-id-pii
Update End-User Profile
Users should be also allowed to update their personal information (PII) in a profile. You may send a request to the following endpoint:
PUT /user/{id}/pii
Reference: https://docs.actv8me.com/v1.2/reference/user-1#put_user-id-pii
Delete End-User Profile
To protect their privacy, your application should also allow users to delete their personal information at any time. The following endpoint should be used for that purpose:
DELETE /user/{id}/pii
Reference: https://docs.actv8me.com/v1.2/reference/user-1#delete_user-id-pii
Delete End-User Account
Your application should allow users to delete their accounts at any time. You may use the following endpoint:
DELETE /user/{id}
Reference: https://docs.actv8me.com/v1.2/reference/user-1#delete_user
Updated almost 2 years ago