The Support section contains information about User Profiles, User Devices, User behavior, etc.
The Support section also contains records for Impressions and Offers and Prizes obtained from a specific user and device.
Support Functions
Customer Support
Click on the menu in the upper right corner
Click on Settings
Click on Customer Support (under Advanced Settings)
Select a filter mode (Pin, Email or Prize Code)
Enter the necessary information in the search field
Term | Description |
Support Pin | The Support Pin is located in the application under "My Account" (this is accessed through “Update Profile”) |
Email Is found under "My Data" (under the "more" tab) | |
Prize | The Prize code is the code that the end user receives when they have won a prize. The prizes are stored in the virtual wallet within the application |
Click Enter or the search button to continue
The user's profile will appear if they are registered in the system.
User Details
Term | Description |
ID | The number associated with the user |
GDPR Compliant | This indicates whether or not an account is GDPR compliant within the ACTV8me platform |
Aid | ACTV8me Unique identifier assigned to a user record |
Migrated | This indicates that an account was migrated from the ACTV8me legacy system (prior to the current version of the application.*) |
Client ID | Identifier for the particular client to which the user belongs |
Application ID** | Identifier for the application to which the user belongs |
Admin | Indicates whether the user is an Admin or an end user |
Username Hash | Holds the hashed valued of the account’s username |
Login Method | Indicates the login method for the account. The available login methods are: “email”, “Facebook” or “syndicated” |
Created By | Id of the admin user who created the account |
Gender | Sex of the user (male or female) |
Birth Year | The birth year of the user |
Last login | Last login to the account |
Created At | Date that the account was created |
Updated At | Date that the account was last updated |
Deleted At | Date that the account was deleted |
Validate Token | Token that gets sent to a user for account validation purposes |
Validated | The validation of the account |
Validated At | Date that the account was validated at |
Deactivated | Date that the account was deactivated at |
Country of Origin | Country where the device is registered |
Support Pin | Pin number associated with the account |
Privacy Enabled | Indicates whether or not the user has opt-out of the user data collection provided by the ACTV8me platform |
Multi Factor Auth | Indicates whether or not the user has enabled multi-factor authentication |
Opt in Privacy | Indicates that a user has enabled user data collection |
Opt in Email | Indicates that a user has enabled email notifications |
Term | Description |
Scratcher | Use the drop-down arrow to select what to reset then click Reset Scratchers |
Delete Account | Deletes the user's account |
User Id | Identity of the user within the system |
Device Details
Term | Description |
ID | Number associated with the device within the dashboard |
UUID | Universal Unique Identifier for the device |
Application ID | The id of the application connected to the device |
Application Version | The version number of the application |
User agent | The software agent being used on the device |
Manufacturer | The manufacturer of the device |
Identifier | Unique number associated with the device |
Model | Model number of the device |
OS name | The name of the Operating Software |
OS version | Operating Software version number |
SDK version | Version number of the Software Development Kit |
Locale | Language and country/region of the device |
Placemark | The predefined location of the device |
Carrier Name | The specific carrier of the device |
Created | When the device was created |
Updated | When the device was last updated |
Deleted | When the device was deleted |
Location | Location of the device |
Category and Tags
Term | Description |
Categories | Holds a list of categories associated with an end user |
Tags | Holds a list of tags associated with an end user |
Impressions are the number of times the content is displayed, regardless of whether or not it was engaged with by the user.
This section shows all the information about impressions for the specific user.
The section within the application that holds Content (Offers, Prizes) that the user has saved
This section shows all of the items that are saved in the user's virtual wallet.
This section shows all the prizes that the user has won.
Updated almost 4 years ago