These docs are for v1.2. Click to read the latest docs for v1.3.


For the complete documentation on the "application" resource, please refer to

From the Management API perspective, an application represents a registered API client (i.e., a web application, mobile app, server process, etc.) that uses an API key to send requests to the ACTV8me backend services to manage client resources such as campaigns, triggers, and content.

Create an Application

An admin that has been granted the "create application" permission can create applications on behalf of the client. The application model contains configuration fields that enable you to control the behavior of the application dynamically.

POST /application



You may create as many admin and end-user applications as your client needs.

Get all applications

The following endpoint allows you to retrieve all the applications that you (or another admin) have registered for your client:

GET client/{id}/application


Get a specific application

Once an application has been created, you may use the following endpoint to retrieve its configuration:

GET application/{id}


Update application

The following endpoint allows you to update the configuration of your application:

PUT application/{id}


Delete application

You may use the following endpoint to delete a specific application:

DELETE application/{id}


Deleting your application will invalidate the API keys attached to it. This can result in erratic behavior from any application that depends on the ACTV8me backend servers. This action cannot be undone.


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