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Triggers initiate the delivery of preconfigured content from the ACTV8me backend.

Audio Triggers

An Audio Watermark is a type of trigger that uses a unique code embedded within a piece of audio content (this code is undetectable to the ear). This allows for the delivery of specific content upon trigger the detection by the ACTV8me SDK.

An Audio Fingerprint is activated by the audio without embedding a code into a specific file. Therefore, a fingerprint can be activated by any copy of the audio as long as it is identical to the original. For example, a commercial or song can be fingerprinted in one place and activated in another without any exchange of files (again, this code is undetectable to the ear).

The following properties are part of an audio trigger:

Ad IdIndustry standard for identifying advertising assets (broadcast, print and digital) across all media platforms
BrandA name, term, design, symbol, or any other feature that identifies one seller's goods or services
Media TypeTV commercial, TV In-show, Video clip or Audio Clip
Media SourceResource that serves as a means of communicating to a general audience
NetworkTelecommunications system for distribution of television program content, whereby a central operation provides programming to many television stations or pay television providers

To create an Audio trigger:

  1. Click on Triggers in the top navigation bar and select Audio
  2. Select Add Audio Watermark or Add Audio Fingerprint
  3. Enter in the name of the trigger
  4. Under Audio Details, click Select Media and insert file. This can be a 15-30 second commercial or a longer show clip


Ideally, the media file should be under 100mb for the optimal performance.

  1. If desired, add tags, then click the plus (+) sign.
  2. Enter the Ad Id, Brand, Media Type, Media Source and Network