These docs are for v1.2. Click to read the latest docs for v1.3.

Android FAQ


Battery Drain

The ACTV8me Android SDK listening module will result in a 2-4% battery drain per hour depending on the age of the Android device and the battery capacity.

Microphone Usage

Android will request from the user that microphone permissions be requested from the user when the device hardware is being requested. When an app is listening in the background, it is Android that decides when the app stops listening.

We recommend prompting the user to let them know we are going to ask for microphone permissions and for what purpose in order to achieve the easiest user experience. If the user declines microphone, it can be difficult for them to know why the listening feature is not working.

Background Audio Notification

When an application is using the microphone in the background, the Android operating system will let the user know that the application is listening with a notification within the notification bar.

Developer Notes

Listeners Interface

public interface ACTV8CallbackInterface {

      interface OnCreateUserListener {
       void onCreateUser(ServerResponseObject response);

      interface OnUserLoginListener
       void onUserLogin(ServerResponseObject response);

      interface OnUserLogoutListener 
       void onUserLogout(ServerResponseObject response);

      interface OnCaughtContentListener 
       void onCaughtContent(ServerResponseObject response,
    ArrayList ContentObject content);

      interface OfferDetectionListener
       void onOfferDetected(ServerResponseObject response,
    ArrayList ContentObject content);
      interface OnUpdateContentStatusListener { // OnInsertContentListener
       void onUpdateContentStatus(ServerResponseObject response);

      interface OnDeleteContentListener {
       void onDeleteContent(ServerResponseObject response);

      interface OnGetUserContentListener {
       void onGetUserContent(ServerResponseObject response,
    List ContentObject contentList);

      interface OnGetContentTermsListener {
       void onGetContentTerms(ServerResponseObject response, String

      interface OnGetStoryListener {
       void onGetStory(ServerResponseObject response, ArrayList<StoryObject>

      interface OnForgotPasswordListener
       void onForgotPassword(ServerResponseObject response);

      interface OnUserUpdateListener
       void onOnUserUpdate(ServerResponseObject response);

      interface OnBonusScratchersListner
       void onBonusScratchersResponse(ServerResponseObject response);

      interface StoryImpressionListner
       void onStoryImpressionResponse(ServerResponseObject response);

      interface ResetScratchersListner
       void onResetScratchers(ServerResponseObject response);

      interface ScratchersInfoListener
       void onScratchersInfoResponse(ServerResponseObject response);

      interface UpdateDeviceListener
       void onUpdateDeviceResponse(ServerResponseObject response);

      interface AndroidPassListener
       void onAndroidPassResponse(ServerResponseObject response);

      interface AndroidPassByIdListener
       void onAndroidPassByIdResponse(ServerResponseObject response);

      interface NearbyGeofenceListener
       void onNearbyGeofenceResponse(ServerResponseObject response);

      interface GetUserDetailsListener
       void onUserDetailsResponse(ServerResponseObject response);

      interface CategoryResponseListener
       void onUserDetailsResponse(ServerResponseObject response);

      interface CategoryResponseListener
       void onCategoryResponse(ServerResponseObject response);

      interface AttachCategoryResponseListener
       void onAttachCategoryResponse(ServerResponseObject response);

      interface DetachCategoryResponseListener
       void onDetachCategoryResponse(ServerResponseObject response);

      interface GetContentByIdResponseListener
       void onGetContentByIdResponse(ServerResponseObject response);

      interface AnonymousStatusUpdateListener
       void onAnonymousUpdateStatusResponse(ServerResponseObject response);

      interface GetUserProfileListener
       void onUserProfileResponse(ServerResponseObject response);

      interface LoginConfirmationListener
       void onLoginConfirm();


Content Status Values

public static final int UNSEEN = 0;
public static final int VIEWED = 1;
public static final int ACCEPT = 2;
public static final int DECLINED = 3;
public static final int REDEEMED_IN_STORE = 4;
public static final int REDEEMED_ONLINE = 5;
public static final int DELETED = 6;

Login Methods

public static final String EMAIL = "email";
public static final String FACEBOOK = "facebook";
public static final String SYNDICATED = "syndicated";

Redemption Methods

public static final int REDEEM_ONLINE = 1;
public static final int REDEEM_IN_STORE = 2;
public static final int BOTH = 3;